Youth Services of Tulsa

As the five year anniversary of our partnership with Youth Services of Tulsa (YST) approaches, I am reminded of the importance of giving. At Hicks Brunson Eyewear we began this mission of helping the homeless youth of Tulsa who are in need of prescription eyeglasses back in March of 2010. Just think about this for a moment.  Is the idea of being homeless not scary enough on its own? Just the word homeless brings to mind so many heart wrenching thoughts such as wondering where your next meal is going to come from. Now imagine being a homeless young person aged 17 to 22 and also not being able to see. I have seen these young people have their sight restored time and again over the years that we have been doing this work and it never ceases to bring a warm feeling to my heart and a smile to my face.  I hope that fact is pretty obvious from the picture of me above standing next our most recent Youth Services client to pick up her new glasses. Since we believe in community investment in a multitude of ways, we feel that partnering with YST is a way that we can make a big impact on our community. We do this by providing prescription glasses each month to qualifying young people in the Transitional Living Program. You can learn more about how our partnership program works here. The important work YST is doing includes operating a Transitional Living program to teach young people the skills necessary to live on their own and transition to adult life. More information is available at the Youth Services Website.  We are grateful for the opportunity to play a small role in the successful transition to adult life each and every time it happens.   Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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